Herbal Medicine

Acupressure, otherwise known as Tui Na has been in use for 2,000 years. It focuses on harmonising the flow of Qi throughout the meridians in the body involving a mixture of different hand techniques.

Tui Na can concentrate on specific body aches and pains rather than a more generalised treatment. Practitioners may choose to supplement herbal medicine to encourage faster healing.

In a typical session, the client, wearing loose clothing and no shoes, lies on a flat surface. The practitioner examines the specific problems of the patient and begins to apply a specific treatment protocol focusing on the locations of pain, relevant acupressure points, muscles, joints and energy meridians. The duration of treatment varies depending on the issues to be treated.

Health and Harmony usually utilises acupressure in conjunction with acupuncture to help ease chronic aches and pains or those caused by injury. Tui Na can also achieve a relaxation purpose which is beneficial to general health. 



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Health & Harmony offers complimentary therapy. All information given on this website is intended to be introductory. You are strongly advised to seek the advice of your general practitioner, if you have not previously. You are also strongly advised not to self-diagnose or medicate based on the information given. Health & Harmony shall not be liable if this advice is not followed.
